Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Blog 7

An issue that I would like to write an editorial about was found on a Facebook. It is a group called Smoke Free Mississippi and it's purpose is to educate people about second hand smoke and to encourage smoke-free laws. I appreciate what this group is trying to do. Through Facebook the group informs Mississippi citizens about ways that they can help. For instance, in Gulfport my church signed petitions helping the group by voting for smoke-free restraunts ect on the coast.

Timing: Although in Gulfport there have been a few successes in banning smoking in restraunts second hand smoke is still a very serious issue that needs to be addressed.

Situation: Second hand smoke is responsible for many deaths and can cause lung cancer. It is important that people be informed about second hand smoke and the damage that it can cause. Individuals should be aware and be able to fight for their health by ensuring the places they work, visit to eat and play are a safe and healthy environment.

Audience: I would be writing to people that live in Mississippi that want to promote a healthy living environment for themselves, family and friends. People that want to be informed of the health risks of second hand smoke and the different laws that are out their fighting against it. I would also be writing to inform people how they can help work for this cause.

Intention: My intention for writing about this group is to gain support for the organization and the different programs they have to fight for a smoke free Mississippi.

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